
Cloud Computing

雲端運算服務Cloud Computing


Easily launch large compute clusters without having to bear a large number of upfront investment such as, hardware, operation and maintenance expenses. Pay as you go ensures your financial flexibility. AIC’s team of client success provides balanced cloud resource plan to customers based on current and future business needs, as well as pricing strategy based on time and purpose difference.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 提供350種以上的執行個體,針對不同使用情境合理配置不同資源,以滿足不同的業務需求,其中以CPU為例,AWS可提供Intel、AMD,甚至是AWS開發的Graviton (arm-based)等不同晶片選項,而較新推出的執行個體則使用上AWS開發的 Nitro System,使虛擬化的基礎架構得到進一步的效率與安全性提升。而針對計價方式也推出多種計費方式,以供使用者彈性選擇,最高可節省90%的費用。

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides more than 350 types of instances and assigns proper computing resources to different user scenarios to meet various businesses’ needs. Taking CPU as an example, AWS offers Intel-based, AMD-based, and even Graviton-based instances developed by AWS (arm-based) options, while the newly launched instances use the Nitro System developed by AWS to further improve the efficiency and security of the virtualized infrastructure. For the pricing, a variety of different plans has also been introduced for users to choose flexibly, which can save up to 90% of the cost.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 提供多項預設常見情境的執行個體外,也可根據使用需求進行客製化的執行個體,讓使用者調整到最適當的配置。而針對計價方式也推出多種計費方式,以供使用者彈性選擇,最高可節省80%的費用。

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) not only provides multiple instances set up for common scenarios but can also be customized according to usage needs, allowing users to adjust to the most appropriate configuration. For the pricing, a variety of different plans has also been introduced for users to choose flexibly, which can save up to 80% of the cost.